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How to Change Datum Line Colours
Find your camtek.ini file. They are found in the following folders. In V2024: C:\Users\Public\Documents\PEPS_2024\Data\system In V2025: C:\ProgramData\Camtek\PEPS\2025\PEPS_2025\data\system Add the following lines anywhere in the Camtek.ini: ...
How to run an Update or HotFix for PEPS/OPTICAM Classic V2024+
How to run an Update or HotFix for PEPS/OPTICAM Classic V2024+ From time to time, fixes and new development will be in the monthly online update. You can update (or rollback to an earlier version) with the PEPS Update App. In Windows, in the "Type ...
Makino Taper Errors at Machine
The Makino Control as a setting in the Others Page called Taper and can be set to 0 or 1 Taper 0 - No taper is cut and you will get a Warning 1022 error message if there is taper code in the program. Taper 1 - Allows the machine to cut tapers If you ...
XML File Could Not be Opened Error After Installation.
When a customer gets this error message after installing Nucleo or if they run the Solidcut_CAD Updater you will need to send them the attached file for them to extract the missing files. Extract the files to the folder below. ...
Importing .kno files into PEPS/OPTICAM Classic V2023
Importing .kno files into PEPS/OPTICAM Classic V2023 Attached is a video showing how to import the .kno files in PEPS/OPTICAM Classic V2023. Starting in V8.2, you will need to import your old .kno file into a technology database in order to use them. ...