Bolt Hole Patterns Explained
Nucleo Bolt Hole Explanation
Nucleo adds bolt holes starting from the center of the base plate and expanding out based on the Pitch entered for X and Y.
The dead-zone parameter tells Nucleo what bolt holes it is allowed to keep on the edge of the base plate.
In the images below we have the grid of bolt holes being calculated from the center of the base plate. The bolt holes are 12.7mm in diameter and spaced 76.2mm in the x/y axis. The dashed red lines on the edges represent where your dead-zone is (10mm from the edge). Any bolt holes past that line will not be used.

This will be the resulting grid of bolt holes once the dead-zone is enforced:

If you tell Nucleo to only keep the bolt holes that are on the periphery, then it will only keep the bolt holes that are closest to the base plate edge. Resulting in this bolt hole pattern:

Lastly you can manually select the Bolt Hole locations on the base plate by using the lower section of the dialog.
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