USB Dongle fails to register after CodeMeter/PEPS/OPTICAM update

USB Dongle fails to register after CodeMeter/PEPS/OPTICAM update

If after updating the software or Codemeter to V7.4.0 you will have to follow the below instructions to fix it.

The reason for the issue.

"In the "wibu 740.txt" log we see "2022-01-12 11:42:19: Error updating port UMS" which has been cropping up recently with V7.40 for certain combinations of Windows machines and CmDongles operating in Mass Storage Device mode. Without a full CmDust log we can't tell if your Series 2 dongle falls into this group, but it is a good bet since that is their default mode."

The Resolution

Most likely switching it to Human Interface Device mode will solve the issue without any further action needed.

Please connect the problematic dongle(s) to a known working PC and follow the below steps after the device is recognized:
1. Open Command Prompt or Power Shell
2. Run the following command:  cmu32 --hid

You should see a message like the one below telling you the change was applied.
  Configuring CmContainer x-xxxxxxx:
    Communication mode changed successfully.
    Please replug your CmDongle to apply the changes.

Note that command will update all plugged in CodeMeter-Stick devices.

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