Wire Simulation Controls are Missing

Wire Simulation Controls are Missing

If you are using the Wireframe simulation and for some reason the controls are no longer docked on the side or are missing from the screen you will need to modify a registry item to resolve it.

Prior to doing this please take screenshots of the Post Settings and User Settings so that you can reset them.  This will reset all these settings as well.  


Close all windows of PEPS prior to doing this.

Open Regedit (WIN KEY+R then type regedit and press enter) 

Once the editor is open browse to the below entry

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Camtek\SolidCut\wire20240  (Where the \wireXXXXX = the version that does not work)

Right-click, choose Rename, add a -X to the end of the folder name, and press enter.

Reopen the software and test a file to see if the wireframe controls are back. If they are, you can use the screenshot to reset your post and user settings.  

If you are still having issues, please let us know, and we can set up an online meeting to assist you.



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