Opticam Classic
How to Change Datum Line Colours
Find your camtek.ini file. They are found in the following folders. In V2024: C:\Users\Public\Documents\PEPS_2024\Data\system In V2025: C:\ProgramData\Camtek\PEPS\2025\PEPS_2025\data\system Add the following lines anywhere in the Camtek.ini: ...
How to run an Update or HotFix for PEPS/OPTICAM Classic V2024+
How to run an Update or HotFix for PEPS/OPTICAM Classic V2024+ From time to time, fixes and new development will be in the monthly online update. You can update (or rollback to an earlier version) with the PEPS Update App. In Windows, in the "Type ...
Importing .kno files into PEPS/OPTICAM Classic V2023
Importing .kno files into PEPS/OPTICAM Classic V2023 Attached is a video showing how to import the .kno files in PEPS/OPTICAM Classic V2023. Starting in V8.2, you will need to import your old .kno file into a technology database in order to use them. ...
Knowledge Base Database Dialog Instructions
The goal of this KB is to explain how the dialog works and its functions. We will start in the Upper Left Corner set of Buttons The button is used to load in the knowledge-based file once selected. The button allows you to cancel the command and go ...
Transferring ACvision User Qualities list and Wire list from a previous version to PEPS V2023
1. Find the list you are wanting to transfer to the new version. Most of the files are found in your data folder. C:\Users\Public\Documents\OPTICAM_ClassicV8.2\Data\wire\ACvision\data 2. Copy the "xxxx.lst" file. 3. Replace the "xxx.lst" file in the ...
Importing Mitsubishi Technology
Below is a link to a short video of how to import technology for the Mitsubishi machines in Opticam Classic. Importing Mits Technology Thank you
Opticam Classic Uniqua Post Settings
Hello, With the new Uniqua post some settings will need to be set up to make sure that the post is working correctly. There are 2 Options to Post for that Machine. Dynamic or Sequential. For more information into what the differences are you will ...
Makino Machine Condition Database Version Info Hyper-i Control
In order to select the correct Makino Technology Database for your machine you will need to give us the below information. If you could take a picture with a Cell Phone and email it that would be the best method. If not then we need the System ...
New KNO Database Selection V2022
New option in module settings Version 2022 Common post settings - database table name Procedure how to continue using an existing database in the new Version: In the module settings of Version 8.2 look for the path where the database is located : ...
Additional Wire Machine Post Profiles - TEXT
With the introduction of Version 2022, you now have the possibility to install directly your machine profile, meaning you have multiple machines from the same Mfg. but different models. VIDEO VERSION CAN BE SEEN AT THE LINK BELOW Additional Wire ...
Creating a Support Package ZIP to send to us
Creating a Support Package ZIP to send to us Video link is at the bottom of the page 1) Start OPTICAM Classic and load the problematic VDM file or in the case of a general issue, any VDM file. If you are currently working on the problem file please ...
Creating a Billet In Opticam Classic
Creating a Billet Attached in this article is a short video detailing how to create a simple rectangle billet. The Billet is a representation of the block you are cutting your part out of. You will need a billet to run your Standard Simulation in ...
Creating Multiple Post Processor Profiles V8.2 and Prior
Creating Multiple Post Processor Profiles In the attached video, you can see how to create a second profile for a post. If you want to have a second profile for a different machine or just have different post processor settings.
Adding Ruled Surface Constraint Lines
Adding Ruled Surface Constraint Lines When working with a 4 axis program, the upper and lower nozzles may not synchronize properly. In cases like this you will need to manually tell the nozzles where to synchronize. Attached is a short video on how ...
Importing .kno files into V8.2
Importing .kno files into V8.2 Starting in Opticam Classic V8.2, you will need to import .kno files into a database. Attached is a video showing how to import the .kno files in V8.2. Alternatively, if you would like to revert back to the old style ...