Downloading and Installing PEPS/OPTICAM Classic

Downloading and Installing PEPS/OPTICAM Classic

Downloading & Installing PEPS/OPTICAM Classic
IMPORTANT: If you are upgrading from an older version of PEPS/OPTICAM Classic:

      - Follow the separate Knowledge Base instructions on how to update your license first with the latest major version's password.
            - You will need Administrator rights to perform this.  
      - If you use a floating license for accessing PEPS/OPTICAM Classic, ensure the license server is updated with the latest major version's password.
            - This will require IT assistance. 
      - If this is not performed, you may see a "Missing Security Device" message upon starting the application. 

Downloading and Installing the Latest Version of PEPS Wire EDM

1) Follow the Link to the Camtek Download Website

2) Using the Drop Down Menu Select PEPS and then select the Version (The newest will be at the top of the list)
      Once you have selected your version, you will have options for downloading a full installation, a basic installation without help files, and the help files separately. 
      NOTE: Starting in PEPS 2025, only the most common post processors are available in the main installer. If your post is not shown in the list below, please also download the Wire Post Processor Files. (AC_Cut_Uniqua_Sequential is included but only installed automatically when using the Migration Tool)  If your post is not listed and you plan to use the Migration Tool to copy settings from an older install you will follow the instructions for adding it to the installation first.


3) Unzip the contents of the file, failing to do so could result in a corrupted installation.  If you also downloaded the Post Processors you will unzip them to a folder at this time as well.

Installer Folder

Post Processor Folder

If you did not need to download the Post Processor Files because your Post was included in the Main installer you can skip to Step 5

4)If you have downloaded the Post Processor Library, you will need to copy the required posts into the \SETUP_PEPS_V2025_FULL\Postprocessors\wire folder. Once you have copied the necessary posts, you can install the software.

You MUST be logged in as an ADMIN or Right Click and Run as Admin must be used.
5) Run the SETUP_??.EXE in the same folder (the file name will have a numeric part where the question marks are). Select your language and follow the directions that are given.

6) Agree to the License Agreement, choose the default options for the dongle style installation path, etc. (If you are using a Hardware Lock license or a local USB Dongle Select "Local Dongle". If you have a Network License select "Floating Dongle"), Check the option to run the Online Update.


7) At the Select Components Dialog only select the WIRE EDM and EXTRAS to be installed.  Installing the other modules will only take up hard drive space and increase the time it takes to do updates in the future.

New users will need to select the POST for their machine. Only install the post that you purchased, you will not be able to use any other installed.  Remember if your post was not in the list above you will get the error shown next.

If you select a post and the dialog shows a RED X like below, that means the post was not included in the install and you must visit the Camtek website and download the complete Post Processor Library.

Support & Service > Downloads > Postprocessors

Follow the link below to install the missing Post Processor

Migration Tool for Existing Users

If you are updating from V2022 or later you can use the software Migration Tool will load and "migrate" settings from an older release to the new installation.   By default, it looks for the most recent version of the software installed and uses those settings.  Note there might be a few settings that the user will still have to verify and update.

(In V8.2 and earlier versions this option does not work well because of machine name changes made)


If you Press the "Change" button a dialog opens showing all the different versions of the software installed on that PC.  Select the version you want to migrate and press OK.

You will see a list of the post processors from the selected Previous installation that will be installed.  If yours is not in the list or you have a new Post Processor that is being added at this time you will want to follow the New Post Installation directions for that.  Do Not check the box for Add New Post Processors.  If you do you have the ability to accidently overwrite all the migrated settings.  


When Migration is complete you have the ability to view a Log File for any errors.  Notice the information at the bottom of the window telling your how many errors were found.


Once the Migration is finished OR you have installed your New Software for the first time the Updater will load, assuming you did check the box as instructed above.  If you did not then you can follow the instructions for Updating PEPS/Opticam Classic


Once you have everything installed you can choose to restart now or later.  

After completion, it should be ready to use (assuming the licensing installation requirements have been completed).

In some instances, there may be some custom work needed for your installation. To facilitate this, Grant Read/Write access to "All Users" for the following folders (or similar, depending on the version):

      C:\Users\Public\Documents\PEPS_2???  (?= current version)
      C:\Program Files\PEPS_2??? (?=current version)


Installing PEPS Help Files

The Help Files should have been installed during the main install if you downloaded the FULL install.  If you need to install them you can use the installer found in the installation folder.  


After completion, it should be ready to use (assuming the licensing installation requirements have been completed).

New Users, please contact our support team now that the software is installed to schedule your training.

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